CAFCA (Cardinal Allen Family and Community Association) is the parental voice forum of Cardinal Allen High School. CAFCA organises numerous family functions during the year and as a consequence raises much needed funds that benefit the students of Cardinal Allen High School.
Recent CAFCA functions
Recent events include: School Discos, Murder mystery evening, Shopping trips, OAP Christmas party, Barbecue and family sports evening, Ladies night, Lakeland and Yorkshire Dales trips, Ecoture show
Recent CAFCA beneficiaries
Merit awards, Club Badges, picnic benches, Sports Hall Defibrillator, Chaplaincy garden, School guinea pigs, School Allotment, Chess club, Outdoor classroom
CAFCA needs your involvement!
We need current parents to become involved in any way they can. You will be contributing greatly to the school and your child’s education. You will be very welcome!!
Following the easing of Covid restrictions a meeting will be organised with a Hot Pot Supper being provided for all attendees. Children of all ages are welcome at this meeting. Meetings are held on the second monday of every half term 6-7pm in PE1
For further details/ to book a place at this meeting contact Mr Harding at school (Tel. no. 872659) or email a.harding@cardinalallen.co.uk
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